Monday 12 September 2016

Film: A Plastic Ocean

The charity Plastic Oceans was founded eight years ago by the film producer Jo Ruxton (The Blue Planet; World Wildlife Fund;A Plastic Ocean). The aim is to become established as a powerful global platform that will change the world's attitude to plastic.

Plastic pollution has become a global catastrophe. Over the last 60 years, plastic has become central to our lives and the planet has been subjected to 'a tsunami of plastic waste.' The scale of the problem is exponential.

This month, their film, A Plastic Ocean, is being released in the UK. It is produced by Jo Ruxton and Adam Leipzig (March of the Penguins) and there are special screenings at the Vue in Piccadilly on 22nd and 29th SeptemberYou can also get tickets to see it at the Raindance Film Festival in London.  

The aim of the film is, first, to get people to know and care about the massive problem of ocean plastic. The second aim is to result in global policy change.

The charity also plans to educate those currently in school about plastic. They will be introducing the issue to 200,000 child ambassadors between now and the end of 2017 through education modules and community action groups.

With their continued dedication, the world could be free of throwaway plastic within a generation. 

So far, Sally Nicholls and I have raised £700 for the Ocean Cleanup. Friends and family have really got behind this and supported us. We are now going to ask for even more because every penny that we raise over our target of £1000 will go to Plastic Oceans and help put an end to toxic plastic waste.

The trailer for A Plastic Ocean is here. It's two minutes long. Watch it.

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